Tuesday, 28 February 2012

ice houses are filled for the 2012 season

the first photo is 200 pound ice blocks ready for the house at nance lake. the crew filled 6 ice houses in 20 days up north and cut over 800 blocks in total, which means we put up over 160,000 lbs of ice for the upcoming summer fishing season.
with all the snow we've had recently the last 3 ice houses were more work with a lot of shovelling required before the ice could be cut. with the weight of all the snow, slushy conditons were encountered at snowshoe, trapline and nance lakes once the ice fields were opened up.

Friday, 24 February 2012

the #1 rampie and super cub in front of the house, another day of flying

it's that time of year again. we started ice cutting to fill the ice hosues for spring. the boys are on ice house #5 now and we should be all the done by the end of feb. check back more frequently as we are back on the blog and will be posting photos and short stories from the last season 2011 and more intresting things from the great white north.